Prime Minister | Bohuslav Sobotka | ČSSD |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance | Andrej Babiš | ANO |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Research | Pavel Bělobrádek | KDU/ČSL |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Lubomír Zaorálek | ČSSD |
Minister of the Interior | Milan Chovanec | ČSSD |
Minister of Justice | Helena Válková | INDEP. |
Minister of Defence | Martin Stropnický | ANO |
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs | Michaela Marksová-Tominová | ČSSD |
Minister of Education, Youth and Sport | Marcel Chládek | ČSSD |
Minister of Health | Svatopluk Němeček | ČSSD |
Minister for Agriculture | Marian Jurečka | KDU/ČSL |
Minister of Culture | Daniel Herman | KDU/ČSL |
Minister of Transportation | Antonín Prachař | ANO |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Jan Mládek | ČSSD |
Minister for Environmental Protection | Richard Brabec | ANO |
Minister for Regional Development | Věra Jourová | ANO |
Minister for Human Rights and Equal Opportunities | JiřÍ Dniestbier Jr. | ČSSD |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: