
Stauning V

From: 04/04/1939
To: 09/04/1940

Prime Minister Thorvald August Marinus Stauning S
Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Rochegune Munch R
Minister of Interior Bertel Dahlgaard R
Minister of Finance Vilhelm Buhl S
Minister of Justice Karl Kristian Steincke S
Minister of Defence Alsing Emanuel Andersen S
Minister of Welfare Ludvig Vilhelm Christensen S
Minister of Education Jørgen Peter Laurits Jørgensen R
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Kristen Mortensen Bording S
Minister of Industry, Trade and Shipping Johannes Kjærbøl S
Minister of Public Works Niels Peter Fisker S
Minister of Church Affairs Johannes Theodor Christoffer Hansen S

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: