
Republic of Estonia (post-1989)

Laar II

From: 19/09/1994
To: 25/09/1994

Prime Minister Mart Laar RKI
Minister of Foreign Affairs Jüri Luik RKI
Minister of Internal Affairs Heiki Arike ERSP
Minister of Economic Affairs Toivo Jürgenson RKI
Minister of Finance Andres Lipstok ELDP
Minister of Justice Urmas Arumäe RKI
Minister of Defence Enn Tupp RKI
Minister of Social Affairs Toomas Vilosius ELDP
Minister of Culture and Education Peeter Olesk ERSP
Minister of Agriculture Jaan Leetsaar EMKE
Minister of Transport and Communications Andi Meister ERSP
Minister of Environment Andres Tarand INDEP.
Minister without Portfolio Arvo Niitenberg INDEP.
Minister without Portfolio Liia Hänni EMKE

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: