Buhl I (national union)
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance | Vilhelm Buhl | S |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Erik Julius Christian Scavenius | INDEP. |
Minister of Interior | Knud Kristensen | V |
Minister of Finance | Vilhelm Buhl | S |
Minister of Justice | Eigil Thune Jacobsen | INDEP. |
Minister of Defence | Søren Brorsen | V |
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs | Johannes Kjærbøl | S |
Minister of Education | Jørgen Peter Laurits Jørgensen | R |
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries | Kristen Mortensen Bording | S |
Minister of Industry, Trade and Shipping | Halfdan Hendriksen | DKF |
Minister of Public Works | Axel Gunnar Larsen | INDEP. |
Minister of Church Affairs | Christian Vilhelm Christoffer Fibiger | DKF |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: