
Republic of Estonia (post-1989)

Laar III

From: 24/03/1999
To: 07/01/2002

Prime Minister Mart Laar IL
Minister of Foreign Affairs Toomas Hendrik Ilves M
Minister of Internal Affairs Jüri Mõis IL
Minister of Economic Affairs Mihkel Pärnoja M
Minister of Finance Siim Kallas R
Minister of Justice Märt Rask R
Minister of Defence Jüri Luik IL
Minister of Social Affairs Eiki Nestor M
Minister of Education Tõnis Lukas IL
Minister of Agriculture Ivari Padar M
Minister of Culture Signe Kivi R
Minister of Transport and Communications Toivo Jürgenson IL
Minister of Environment Heiki Kranich R
Minister without Portfolio Toivo Asmer R
Minister without Portfolio Katrin Saks M

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: