Kenny I
Taoiseach | Enda Kenny | FG |
Tánaiste and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Eamon Gilmore | LAB |
Minister of Finance | Michael Noonan | FG |
Minister of Justice, Equality and Defence | Alan Shatter | FG |
Minister of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation | Richard Bruton | FG |
Minister of Social Protection | Joan Burton | LAB |
Minister of Education and Skills | Ruairi Quinn | LAB |
Minister of Health | James Reilly | FG |
Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine | Simon Coveney | FG |
Minister of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht | Jimmy Deenihan | FG |
Minister of Transport, Tourism and Sport | Leo Varadkar | FG |
Minister of Environment, Community and Local Government | Phil Hogan | FG |
Minister of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources | Pat Rabbitte | LAB |
Minister of Children and Youth Affairs | Frances Fitzgerald | FG |
Minister of Public Expenditure and Reform | Brendan Howlin | LAB |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: