Sanader II
Prime Minister | Ivo Sanader | HDZ |
Deputy Prime Minister | Damir Polančec | HDZ |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Family, Veterans´ Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity | Jadranka Kosor | HDZ |
Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration | Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović | HDZ |
Minister of the Interior | Ivica Kirin | HDZ |
Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship | Branko Vukelić | HDZ |
Minister of Finance | Ivan Šuker | HDZ |
Minister of Justice | Ana Lovrin | HDZ |
Minister of Defence | Berislav Rončević | HDZ |
Minister of Science, Education and Sport | Dragan Primorac | INDEP. |
Minister of Health and Social Welfare | Neven Ljubičić | HDZ |
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management | Petar Čovanković | HDZ |
Minister of Culture | Božo Biškupić | HDZ |
Minister of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Infrastructure | Božidar Kalmeta | HDZ |
Minister of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction | Marina Matulović-Dropulić | HDZ |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: