Ciorbea II
Prime Minister | Victor Ciorbea | PNŢCD |
State Minister of External Affairs | Adrian Severin | PD |
Minister of Interior | Gavril Dejeu | PNŢCD |
Minister of Finance | Daniel Daianu | INDEP. |
Minister of Justice | Valeriu Stoica | PNL |
Minister of National Defence | Victor Babiuc | PD |
Minister of Labour and Social Protection | Alexandru Athanasiu | PSDR |
Minister of Education | Andrei Marga | INDEP. |
Minister of Health | Ion Viktor Brukner | INDEP. |
Minister of Agriculture and Food | Dinu Gavrilescu | PNŢCD |
Minister of Culture | Ion Caramitru | PNŢCD |
Minister of Transport | Traian Băsescu | PD |
State Minister of Industry and Trade | Mircea Ciumara | PNŢCD |
Minister of Forestry, Environment and Water Management | Sorin Frunzaverde | PD |
Minister of Youth and Sports | Crin Antonescu | PNL |
Minister Delegate for Public Information | Sorin Botez | PNL |
Minister of Research and Technology | Bujor Bogdan Teodoroiu | PD |
Minister of Communications | Sorin Pantiş | PNL |
Minister Delegate for European Integration | Alexandru Herlea | PNŢCD |
Minister of Reform | Ilie Serbanescu | INDEP. |
Minister of Tourism | Akos Birtalan | UDMR |
Minister for Relations with the Parliament | Bogdan Niculescu-Duvăz | PD |
Minister of Public Works and Territorial Planning | Nicolae Noica | PNŢCD |
Minister of Privatisation | Valentin Ionescu | PNŢCD |
Minister Delegate for Coordination of the General Secretariat of Government and the Department of Local Government | Remus Opriş | PNŢCD |
Minister Delegate for National Minorities | Gyorgy Tokay | UDMR |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: