Nastase I
Prime Minister | Adrian Năstase | PDSR |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Mirce-Dan Geoană | PDSR |
Minister of Interior | Ioan Rus | PDSR |
Minister of Public Finance | Mihai-Nicole Tănăsescu | PDSR |
Minsiter of Justice | Rodica-Mihaela Stănoiu | PDSR |
Minister of National Defence | Ioan-Mircea Paşcu | PDSR |
Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity | Marian Sârbu | PDSR |
Minister of Education and Research | Ecaterina Andronescu | PDSR |
Minister of Health and Family | Daniela Bartoş | PDSR |
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry | Ilie Sârbu | PDSR |
Minister of Culture | Răzvan-Emil Theodorescu | PDSR |
Minister of Public Works, Transport and Housing | Miron-Tudor Mitrea | PDSR |
Minister of Industry and Resources | Dan-Ioan Popescu | PDSR |
Minister of Water and Environmental Protection | Aurel-Constantin Ilie | PDSR |
Minister of Youth and Sports | Georgiu Gingăraş | PSDR |
Minister of Public Administration | Ostav Cozmâncă | PDSR |
Minister of Public Information | Vasile Dâncu | PDSR |
Minister of Communications and Information Technology | Dan Nica | PDSR |
Minister of European Integration | Hildegard-Carola Puwak | PDSR |
Minister Delegate Negotiating with the EU | Vasile Puşcaş | PDSR |
Minister of Tourism | Matei-Agathon Dan | PDSR |
Minister Delegate for Research | Şerban-Constantin Valeca | PDSR |
Minister for Small and Medium Enterprises | Silvia Ciornei | PUR |
Minister for Coordination of the General Secretariat of Government | Petru Şerban Mihăilescu | PDSR |
Minister for Relations with the Parliament | Acsinte Gaspar | PDSR |
Minister Delegate of the Authority for Privatization and Management of State´s Participation | Ovidiu-Tiberiu Muşetescu | PDSR |
Minister of Development and Prognosis | Gheorghe Leonard Cazan | PDSR |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: