
Bejeraniu (acting)

From: 21/12/2004
To: 28/12/2004

Prime Minister and Minister for Coordination of the General Secretariat of Government Eugen Bejenariu PSD
Minister of Foreign Affairs Mirce-Dan Geoană PSD
Minister of Administration and Interior Marain Florain Saniuta PSD
Minister of Economy and Commerce Dan-Ioan Popescu PSD
Minister of Public Finance Mihai-Nicole Tănăsescu PSD
Minsiter of Justice Cristian Diaconescu PSD
Minister of National Defence Ioan-Mircea Paşcu PSD
Minister of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family Dan Mircea Popescu PSD
Minister of Education, Research and Youth Alexandre Athanasiu PSD
Minister of Health Ovidu Brizan PSD
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Waters and Environment Petre Daea PSD
Minister of Culture Răzvan-Emil Theodorescu PSD
Minister of Transport, Constructions and Tourism Miron-Tudor Mitrea PSD
Minister of Water and Environmental Protection Speranta Maria Ianculescu PSD
Minister Delegate of Public Administration Gheorghe Emacu PSD
Minister of Communications and Information Technology Adriana Ticau PSD
Minister of European Integration Alexandru Farcas PSD
Minister Delegate Negotiating with the EU Vasile Puşcaş PSD
Minister Delegate for Coordination of Control Authorities Ionel Blănculescu PSD
Minister Delegate for Relations with the Parliament Serban Nicolae PSD
Minister Delegate for Relations with Social Partners Bogdan Nicolescu Duvaz PSD
Minister Delegate for Commerce Vasile Radu PSD
Minister Delegate for Controlling Implementation Process Victor Viorel Ponta PSD
Minister of State Ioan Tapelş PSD

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: