
Calin Popescu-Tariceanu I

From: 29/12/2004
To: 03/12/2006

Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tăriceanu PNL
Minister of External Affairs Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu PNL
Minister of Economy and Trade Ioan-Codruţ Şereş PUR
Miniser of Public Finance Ionuţ Popescu PNL
Minister of Justice Monica Luisa Macovei INDEP.
Minister of National Defence Teodeor Atanasiu PNL
Minister of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family Gheorgue Barbu PD
Minister of Education and Research Mircea Miclea PD
Minister of Health Mircea Cinteză PNL
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Gheorge Flutur PNL
Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs Monica-Octavia Muscă PNL
Minister of Transportation, Construction and Tourism Gheorghe Dobre PD
Minister of Environment and Water Management Sulfina Barbu PD
Minister of Public Administration and Interior Vasile Blaga PD
Minister of Communications and Information Technology Zsolt Nagy UDMR
Minister of European Integration Ene Dinga PD
State Minister for Coordinating Economic Activity Adrien Videanu PD
State Minister for Coordinating Cultural, Educational and European Integration Activities Béla Markó UDMR
State Minister for Coordinating Business Activities and Small and Medium-size Enterprises Gheorge Copos PUR
Minister Delegate for Public Works and Land Management László Borbély UDMR
Minister Delegate for Coordination of the Financial Guard Sorin Vicol PUR
Minister Delegate for Coordination of the General Secretariat of Government Alexandru Voicu PNL
Minister of Delegate for Controlling Implementation of Internationally-finance Programs and Monitoring the Application of the Aquis Communautaire Cristian David PNL
Minister Delegate for the Relationship with Parliament Bogdan Olteanu PNL
Minister Delegate for Commerce Iuliu Winkler UDMR

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: