Boc I
Prime Minister | Emil Boc | PD/L |
Deputy Prime Minister | Dan Nica | PSD |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Cristian Diaconescu | PSD |
Minister of Administration and Interior | Gabriel Oprea | PSD |
Minister of Economy | Adrian Videanu | PD/L |
Minister of Public Finance | Gheorghe Popea | PD/L |
Minister of Justice and Citizenship Freedoms | Cătălin Marian Predoiu | INDEP. |
Minister of National Defence | Mihai Stănişoară | PD/L |
Minister of Labour, Family and Social Protection | Marian Sărbu | PSD |
Minister of Education, Research and Innovation | Ecaterina Andronescu | PSD |
Minister of Health | Ion Bazac | PSD |
Minister of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development | Ilie Sărbu | PSD |
Minister of Culture, Religious Affairs and National Patrimony | Theodor Paleologu | PD/L |
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure | Radu Mircea Berceanu | PD/L |
Minister for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Trade and Business Environment | Constantin Niţă | PSD |
Minister of Environment | Nicolae Nemirschi | PSD |
Minister of Youth and Sport | Monica Maria Iacob Ridzi | PD/L |
Minister of Regional Development and Housing | Vasile Blaga | PD/L |
Minister of Tourism | Elena Gabriela Udrea | PD/L |
Minister of Communications and Informational Society | Gabriel Sandu | PD/L |
Minister for Relationship with the Parliament | Victor Viorel Ponta | PSD |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: