Đinđić III
Prime Minister | Zoran Đinđić | DS |
Deputy Prime Minister | Nebojša Čović | DA |
Deputy Prime Minister | Žarko Korać | SDEMU |
Deputy Prime Minister | Jószef Kasza | SVM |
Deputy Prime Minister | Momčilo Perišić | PDS |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs | Dušan Mihailović | ND |
Minister of Economy and Privatization | Aleksandar Vlahović | DS |
Minister of Finance and Economy | Božidar Đelić | DS |
Minister of Justice | Vladan Batić | DHSS |
Minister of Labour and Employment | Dragan Milovanović | ASNS |
Minister of Education and Sport | Gašo Knežević | GSS |
Minister of Science and Technology | Dragan Domazet | DS |
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management | Dragan Veselinov | KV |
Minister of Culture | Branislav Lečić | DS |
Minister of Transport and Communications | Marija Raseta Vukosavlević | DS |
Minister of Trade and Tourism | Slobodan Mijosavljević | DS |
Minister of Social Policy | Gordana Matković | DS |
Minister of Foreign Economic Relations | Goran Pitić | G17 |
Minister of Mining and Energy | Goran Novaković | INDEP. |
Minister of Construction and Urban Planning | Dragoslav Šumarac | DS |
Minister of Religious Affairs | Vojislav Milanović | INDEP. |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: