
Đinđić V

From: 19/06/2002
To: 11/03/2003

Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić DS
Deputy Prime Minister Nebojša Čović DA
Deputy Prime Minister Žarko Korać SDEMP
Deputy Prime Minister Jószef Kasza SVM
Deputy Prime Minister Miodrag Isakov RV
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Dušan Mihailović ND
Minister of Economy and Privatization Aleksandar Vlahović DS
Minister of Finance and Economy Božidar Đelić DS
Minister of Justice Vladan Batić DHSS
Minister of Labour and Employment Dragan Milovanović ASNS
Minister of Education and Sport Gašo Knežević GSS
Minister of Science and Technology Dragan Domazet DS
Minister of Health Tomica Milosavljević INDEP.
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Dragan Veselinov KV
Minister of Culture Branislav Lečić DS
Minister of Transport and Communications Marija Raseta Vukosavlević DS
Minister of Trade and Tourism Slobodan Mijosavljević DS
Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Anđelka Mihailov INDEP.
Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Rodoljub Šabić SDEMP
Minister of Foreign Economic Relations Goran Pitić G17
Minister of Mining and Energy Kori Udovički INDEP.
Minister of Social Policy Gordana Matković DS
Minister of Construction and Urban Planning Dragoslav Šumarac DS
Minister of Religious Affairs Vojislav Milanović INDEP.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: