The Netherlands

Kok II

From: 03/08/1998
To: 15/05/2002

Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Wim Kok PVDA
Minister of Foreign Affairs Jozias van Aartsen VVD
Minister of Interior and Kingdom Affairs Bram Peper PVDA
Minister of Economic Affairs Annemarie Jorrisma VVD
Minister of Finance Gerrit Zalm VVD
Minister of Justice Ben Korthals VVD
Minister of Defence, Dutch Caribbean and Aruba Frank de Grave VVD
Minister of Social Affairs and Enployment Klaas de Vries PVDA
Minister of Education, Culture and Sciences Loek Hermans VVD
Minister of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sports Els Borst-Eilers D66
Minister of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fishery Haijo Apotheker D66
Minister of Transport and Water Tineke Netelenhos PVDA
Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Jan Pronk PVDA
Minsiter of Development Cooperation Eveline Herfkens PVDA
Minister of Large Cities and Integration Policy Roger van Boxtel D66

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: