The Netherlands

Balkenende IV

From: 22/02/2007
To: 09/06/2010

Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Jan Peter Balkenende CDA
Minsiter of Foreign Affairs Maxime Verhagen CDA
Minister of Interior and Kingdom Affairs Guusje ter Horst PVDA
Minister of Economic Affairs Maria van der Hoeven CDA
Minister of Finance Wouter Bos PVDA
Minister of Justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin CDA
Minister of Defence Eimert van Middelkoop CU
Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Piet Hein Donner CDA
Minister of Education, Culture and Science Ronald Plasterk PVDA
Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport Ab Klink CDA
Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Gerda Verburg CDA
Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management Camiel Eurlings CDA
Minsiter of Saptial Planning and Environment Jacqueline Cramer PVDA
Minister of Housing, Neighbourhoods and Integration Eberhard van der Laan PVDA
Minister of Youth and Family André Rouvoet CU
Minister of Development and Cooperation Bert Koenders PVDA

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: