The Netherlands
Rutte I
Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs | Mark Rutte | VVD |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Uri Rosenthal | VVD |
Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations | Liesbeth Spies | CDA |
Minister of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation | Maxime Verhagen | CDA |
Minister of Finance | Jan Kees de Jager | CDA |
Minister of Justice and Security | Ivo Opstelten | VVD |
Minister of Defence | Hans Hillen | CDA |
Minister of Social Affairs and Employment | Henk Kamp | VVD |
Minister of Education, Culture and Science | Marja van Bijsterveldt | CDA |
Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport | Edith Schippers | VVD |
Minister of Infraestructure and the Environment | Melanie Schultz van Haegen | VVD |
Minister of Inmigration, Integration and Asylum Affairs | Gerd Leers | CDA |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: