Vagnorius I
Prime Minister | Gediminas Vagnorius | TS/LK |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Algirdas Saudargas | LKDP |
Minister of the Interior | Vidmantas Žiemelis | TS/LK |
Minister of Economy | Vincas Babilius | INDEP. |
Minister of Finance | Rolandas Matiliauskas | TS/LK |
Minister of Justice | Vytautas Pakalniškis | TS/LK |
Minister of Defence | Česlovas Vytautas Stankevičius | LKDP |
Minister of Social Security and Labour | Irena Dagutienē | TS/LK |
Minister of Education and Science | Zigmas Zinkevičius | LKDP |
Minister of Health Care | Juozas Galdikas | TS/LK |
Minister of Agriculture | Vytautas Knašys | TS/LK |
Minister of Culture | Saulius Šaltenis | TS/LK |
Minister of Transportation | Algis Žvaliauskas | TS/LK |
Minister of Construction and Urban Development | Algis Čaplikas | LCS |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Laima Andrikienē | TS/LK |
Minister of Environmental Protection | Imantas Lazdinis | LCS |
Minister of Public Administration Reforms and Local Authorities | Kęstutis Skrebys | TS/LK |
Minister of Communications and Information Technology | Rimantas Pleikys | TS/LK |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: