North Macedonia
Georgievski VII
Prime Minister | Branko Crvenkovski | SDSM |
Deputy Prime Minister | Radmila Šekerinska | SDSM |
Deputy Prime Minister | Musa Xhaferi | DUI |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minsiter of Finance | Petar Gošev | LDP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Ilinka Mitreva | SDSM |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Hari Kostov | INDEP. |
Minister of Economy | Ilija Filipovski | SDSM |
Minister of Justice | Ismail Dardhishta | DUI |
Minister of Defence | Vlado Bučokovski | SDSM |
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare | Jovan Manasievski | LDP |
Minister of Education and Science | Aziz Pollozani | DUI |
Minister of Health | Rexhep Selmani | DUI |
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water | Slavko Petrov | LDP |
Minister of Culture | Blagoj Stefanovski | SDSM |
Minister of Transport and Communications | Milaim Ajdini | DUI |
Minister of Environment and Planning | Ljubomir Janev | SDSM |
Minister of Local Self-Government | Aleksandar Geštakovski | SDSM |
Minister without Portfolio | Vlado Popovski | LDP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: