
Fifth Republic

Rocard III

From: 02/10/1990
To: 14/05/1991

Prime Minister Michel Rocard PS
Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs Roland Dumas PS
Minister of State and Minister of Economy, Finance and Budget Pierre Bérégovoy PS
Minister of State and Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports Lionel Jospin PS
Minister of State and Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform Michel Durafour FU
Minister of Interior Pierre Joxe PS
Minister of Justice Henri Nallet PS
Minister of Defence Jean-Pierre Chevènement PS
Minister of Labour, Employment and Training Jean-Pierre Soisson FU
Minister of Social Affairs and Solidarity Claude Évin PS
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Luois Mermaz PS
Minister of Culture, Communication, Great work and the Bicentennial of the French Revolution Jack Lang PS
Minister of Works, Housing, Transport and Sea Michel Delebarre PS
Minister of Industry, Trade and Regional Planning Roger Fauroux INDEP.
Minister of Foreign Trade Jean-Marie Rausch FU
Minister of Research and Technology Hubert Curien INDEP.
Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Space Paul Quilès PS
Minister of Development Cooperation Jacques Pelletier FU
Minister of Departments and Territories Overseas Louis Le Pensec PS
Minister of Relations with the Parliament Jean Poperen PS
Delegate Minister of Environment and Prevention of Technological Risks Brice Lalonde GE
Delegate Minister of the Budget Michel Charasse PS
Delegate Minister Responsible for the Francophone Alain Decaux INDEP.
Delegate Minister without Portfolio Edwige Avice PS
Delegate Minister for European Affairs Élisabeth Guigou PS
Delegate Minister without Portfolio Georges Kiejman PS
Delegate Minister without Portfolio Philippe Marchand PS
Delegate Minister Responsible for Spacial Planning and Retraining Jacques Chérèque INDEP.
Delegate Minister for Trade and Handicrafts François Doubin MRG
Delegate Minister for Tourism Jean-Michel Baylet MRG
Delegate Minister in Charge of the Sea Jacques Mellick PS
Delegate Minister of Housing Luois Besson PS
Delegate Minister for Communication Catherine Tasca PS
Delegate Minister for Health Bruno Durieux UDC
Delegate Minister Responsible for the Family and Seniors Hélène Dorlhac FU

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: