Fifth Republic
Rocard III
Prime Minister | Michel Rocard | PS |
Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs | Roland Dumas | PS |
Minister of State and Minister of Economy, Finance and Budget | Pierre Bérégovoy | PS |
Minister of State and Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports | Lionel Jospin | PS |
Minister of State and Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform | Michel Durafour | FU |
Minister of Interior | Pierre Joxe | PS |
Minister of Justice | Henri Nallet | PS |
Minister of Defence | Jean-Pierre Chevènement | PS |
Minister of Labour, Employment and Training | Jean-Pierre Soisson | FU |
Minister of Social Affairs and Solidarity | Claude Évin | PS |
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry | Luois Mermaz | PS |
Minister of Culture, Communication, Great work and the Bicentennial of the French Revolution | Jack Lang | PS |
Minister of Works, Housing, Transport and Sea | Michel Delebarre | PS |
Minister of Industry, Trade and Regional Planning | Roger Fauroux | INDEP. |
Minister of Foreign Trade | Jean-Marie Rausch | FU |
Minister of Research and Technology | Hubert Curien | INDEP. |
Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Space | Paul Quilès | PS |
Minister of Development Cooperation | Jacques Pelletier | FU |
Minister of Departments and Territories Overseas | Louis Le Pensec | PS |
Minister of Relations with the Parliament | Jean Poperen | PS |
Delegate Minister of Environment and Prevention of Technological Risks | Brice Lalonde | GE |
Delegate Minister of the Budget | Michel Charasse | PS |
Delegate Minister Responsible for the Francophone | Alain Decaux | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister without Portfolio | Edwige Avice | PS |
Delegate Minister for European Affairs | Élisabeth Guigou | PS |
Delegate Minister without Portfolio | Georges Kiejman | PS |
Delegate Minister without Portfolio | Philippe Marchand | PS |
Delegate Minister Responsible for Spacial Planning and Retraining | Jacques Chérèque | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister for Trade and Handicrafts | François Doubin | MRG |
Delegate Minister for Tourism | Jean-Michel Baylet | MRG |
Delegate Minister in Charge of the Sea | Jacques Mellick | PS |
Delegate Minister of Housing | Luois Besson | PS |
Delegate Minister for Communication | Catherine Tasca | PS |
Delegate Minister for Health | Bruno Durieux | UDC |
Delegate Minister Responsible for the Family and Seniors | Hélène Dorlhac | FU |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: