Fifth Republic
Prime Minister | Édouard Balladur | RPR |
Minister of State and Minister of Interior and Spatial Planning | Charles Pasqua | RPR |
Minister of State and Minister of Justice | Pierre Méhaignerie | CDS |
Minister of State and Minister of Defence | François Léotard | PR |
Minister of State and Minister of Social Affairs, Health and the Cities | Simone Veil | INDEP. |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Alain Juppé | RPR |
Minister of Economy | Edmond Alphandéry | CDS |
Minister of Labour, Employment and Professional Formation | Michel Giraud | RPR |
Minister of National Education | François Bayrou | CDS |
Minister of Higher Education and Research | François Fillon | RPR |
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries | Jean Puech | PR |
Minister of Culture and Francophony | Jacques Toubon | RPR |
Minister of Infraestructure, Transports and Tourism | Bernard Bosson | CDS |
Minister of Industry, Posts, Telecommunications and Foreign Trade | Gérard Longuet | PR |
Minister of Environment | Michel Barnier | RPR |
Minister of Youth and Sports | Michèle Alliot-Marie | RPR |
Minister of Housing | Hervé de Charette | PR |
Minister of Communication | Alain Carignon | RPR |
Minister of Enterprises and Economic Development | Alain Madelin | PR |
Minister of Relations with the Senate and Returnees | Roger Romani | RPR |
Minister of Budget | Nicolas Sarkozy | RPR |
Minister of Civil Service | André Rossinot | PRV |
Minister of Cooperation | Michel Roussin | RPR |
Minister of Departments and Territories Overseas | Dominique Perben | RPR |
Minister of Veterans and War Victims | Philippe Mestre | AD |
Delegate Minister of Relations with the National Assembly | Pascal Clément | PR |
Delegate Minister of Health | Philippe Douste-Blazy | CDS |
Delegate Minister of Regional Planning and Local Government | Daniel Hoeffel | CDS |
Delegate Minister of Humanitarian Action and Human Rights | Lucette Michaux-Chevry | RPR |
Delegate Minister of European Affairs | Alain Lamassoure | PR |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: