
Fifth Republic


From: 29/03/1993
To: 11/05/1995

Prime Minister Édouard Balladur RPR
Minister of State and Minister of Interior and Spatial Planning Charles Pasqua RPR
Minister of State and Minister of Justice Pierre Méhaignerie CDS
Minister of State and Minister of Defence François Léotard PR
Minister of State and Minister of Social Affairs, Health and the Cities Simone Veil INDEP.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Alain Juppé RPR
Minister of Economy Edmond Alphandéry CDS
Minister of Labour, Employment and Professional Formation Michel Giraud RPR
Minister of National Education François Bayrou CDS
Minister of Higher Education and Research François Fillon RPR
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Jean Puech PR
Minister of Culture and Francophony Jacques Toubon RPR
Minister of Infraestructure, Transports and Tourism Bernard Bosson CDS
Minister of Industry, Posts, Telecommunications and Foreign Trade Gérard Longuet PR
Minister of Environment Michel Barnier RPR
Minister of Youth and Sports Michèle Alliot-Marie RPR
Minister of Housing Hervé de Charette PR
Minister of Communication Alain Carignon RPR
Minister of Enterprises and Economic Development Alain Madelin PR
Minister of Relations with the Senate and Returnees Roger Romani RPR
Minister of Budget Nicolas Sarkozy RPR
Minister of Civil Service André Rossinot PRV
Minister of Cooperation Michel Roussin RPR
Minister of Departments and Territories Overseas Dominique Perben RPR
Minister of Veterans and War Victims Philippe Mestre AD
Delegate Minister of Relations with the National Assembly Pascal Clément PR
Delegate Minister of Health Philippe Douste-Blazy CDS
Delegate Minister of Regional Planning and Local Government Daniel Hoeffel CDS
Delegate Minister of Humanitarian Action and Human Rights Lucette Michaux-Chevry RPR
Delegate Minister of European Affairs Alain Lamassoure PR

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: