Fifth Republic
Raffarin II
Prime Minister | Jean-Pierre Raffarin | UMP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Dominique de Villepin | UMP |
Minister of Interior, Internal Security and Local Franchises | Nicolas Sarkozy | UMP |
Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry | Francis Mer | INDEP. |
Minister of Justice | Dominique Perben | UMP |
Minister of Defence and Veterans | Michèle Alliot-Marie | UMP |
Minister of Social Affairs, Employment and Solidarity | François Fillon | UMP |
Minister of Youth, Education and Research | Luc Ferry | INDEP. |
Minister of Health, Family and Handicapped People | Jean-François Mattéî | UMP |
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fishing | Hervé Gaymard | UMP |
Minister of Culture and Communication | Jean-Jacques Aillagon | UMP |
Minister of Equipment, Transport, Housing, Tourism and Sea | Gilles de Robien | UDF |
Minister of Environmental Protection | Roselyne Bachelot | UMP |
Minister of Sports | Jean-François Lamour | INDEP. |
Minister of Civil Service, ther Reform of the State and Territorial Planning | Jean-Paul Delevoye | UMP |
Minister of Overseas Departments and Territories | Brigitte Girardin | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister of the Budget | Alain Lambert | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Internal Security and Local Franchises | Patrick Devedjian | UMP |
Delegate Minister for European Affairs | Noëlle Lenoir | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister of Teaching | Xavier Darcos | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Universities and Research | François Loos | PRV |
Delegate Minister for the Cities | Jean-Louis Borloo | PRV |
Delegate Minister for Industry | Nicole Fontaine | UMP |
Delegate Minister for Cooperation and Franchophonie | Pierre-André Wiltzer | UMP |
Delegate Minister for Research and New Techonologies | Claudie Haigneré | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister for Family | Christian Jacob | UMP |
Delegate Minister for Pariity and Professional Equality | Nicole Amelie | UMP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: