Fifth Republic
de Villepin
Prime Minister | Dominique de Villepin | UMP |
Minister of State and Minister of Interior and Territorial Planning | Nicolas Sarkozy | UMP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Philippe Douste-Blazy | UMP |
Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry | Thierry Breton | UMP |
Minister of Justice | Pascal Clément | UMP |
Minister of Defence | Michèle Alliot-Marie | UMP |
Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing | Jean-Louis Borloo | PRV |
Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research | Gilles de Robien | UDF |
Minister of Health and Solidarity | Xavier Bertrand | UMP |
Minister of Agriculture and Fishing | Dominique Bussereau | UMP |
Minister of Culture and Communication | Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres | UMP |
Minister of Equipment, Transport, Tourism and Sea | Dominique Perben | UMP |
Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development | Nelly Olin | UMP |
Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Crafts and Liberal Professions | Renaud Dutreil | PRV |
Minister of Youth, Sports and Associative Life | Jean-François Lamour | INDEP. |
Minister of Public Function | Christian Jacob | UMP |
Minister of Overseas Departments and Territories | François Baroin | UMP |
Delegate Minister of the Budget and State Reform | Jean-François Copé | UMP |
Delegate Minister of European Affairs | Catherine Colonna | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Employment, Labour and Professional Integration of Youth | Gérard Larcher | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Higher Education and Research | François Goulard | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Social Cohesion and Equality | Catherine Vautrin | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Social Security, Elderly People, Persons with Disabilities and Family | Philippe Bas | UMP |
Delegrate Minister of Foreign Trade | Christine Lagarde | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister of Industry | François Loos | PRV |
Delegate Minister of Tourism | Leon Bertrand | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Territorial Development | Christian Estrosi | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Local and Regional Authories | Brice Hortefeux | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Cooperation, Development and Fracophony | Brigitte Girardin | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Promotion of Equal Opportunities | Azouz Begag | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister of Veterans | Hamlaoui Mékachéra | UMP |
Delegate Minister of Relations with the Parliament | Henri Cuq | UMP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: