
Fifth Republic

de Villepin

From: 31/05/2005
To: 15/05/2007

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin UMP
Minister of State and Minister of Interior and Territorial Planning Nicolas Sarkozy UMP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Douste-Blazy UMP
Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry Thierry Breton UMP
Minister of Justice Pascal Clément UMP
Minister of Defence Michèle Alliot-Marie UMP
Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing Jean-Louis Borloo PRV
Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research Gilles de Robien UDF
Minister of Health and Solidarity Xavier Bertrand UMP
Minister of Agriculture and Fishing Dominique Bussereau UMP
Minister of Culture and Communication Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres UMP
Minister of Equipment, Transport, Tourism and Sea Dominique Perben UMP
Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Nelly Olin UMP
Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Crafts and Liberal Professions Renaud Dutreil PRV
Minister of Youth, Sports and Associative Life Jean-François Lamour INDEP.
Minister of Public Function Christian Jacob UMP
Minister of Overseas Departments and Territories François Baroin UMP
Delegate Minister of the Budget and State Reform Jean-François Copé UMP
Delegate Minister of European Affairs Catherine Colonna UMP
Delegate Minister of Employment, Labour and Professional Integration of Youth Gérard Larcher UMP
Delegate Minister of Higher Education and Research François Goulard UMP
Delegate Minister of Social Cohesion and Equality Catherine Vautrin UMP
Delegate Minister of Social Security, Elderly People, Persons with Disabilities and Family Philippe Bas UMP
Delegrate Minister of Foreign Trade Christine Lagarde INDEP.
Delegate Minister of Industry François Loos PRV
Delegate Minister of Tourism Leon Bertrand UMP
Delegate Minister of Territorial Development Christian Estrosi UMP
Delegate Minister of Local and Regional Authories Brice Hortefeux UMP
Delegate Minister of Cooperation, Development and Fracophony Brigitte Girardin UMP
Delegate Minister of Promotion of Equal Opportunities Azouz Begag INDEP.
Delegate Minister of Veterans Hamlaoui Mékachéra UMP
Delegate Minister of Relations with the Parliament Henri Cuq UMP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: