
Fifth Republic

Fillon I

From: 18/05/2007
To: 17/06/2007

Prime Minister François Fillon UMP
Minister of State and Minister of Environment, Development and Sustainable Planning Alain Juppé UMP
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Bernard Kouchner INDEP.
Minister of Interior, Overseas and Local Authorities Michèle Alliot-Marie UMP
Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment Jean-Louis Borloo PRV
Minister of Justice Rachida Dati UMP
Minister of Defence Hervé Morin NC
Minister of Labour, Social Relations and Solidarity Xavier Bertrand UMP
Minister of National Education Xavier Darcos UMP
Minister of Higher Education and Research Valérie Pécresse UMP
Minister of Health, Youth and Sports Roselyne Bachelot UMP
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Christine Lagarde UMP
Minsiter of Culture and Communication Christine Albanel UMP
Minister of Infraestructures and the Cities Christine Boutin FRS
Minister of Inmigration, Integration, National Identity and Co-development Brice Hortefeux UMP
Minister of the Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Service Éric Woerth UMP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: