Fifth Republic
Fillon I
Prime Minister | François Fillon | UMP |
Minister of State and Minister of Environment, Development and Sustainable Planning | Alain Juppé | UMP |
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs | Bernard Kouchner | INDEP. |
Minister of Interior, Overseas and Local Authorities | Michèle Alliot-Marie | UMP |
Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment | Jean-Louis Borloo | PRV |
Minister of Justice | Rachida Dati | UMP |
Minister of Defence | Hervé Morin | NC |
Minister of Labour, Social Relations and Solidarity | Xavier Bertrand | UMP |
Minister of National Education | Xavier Darcos | UMP |
Minister of Higher Education and Research | Valérie Pécresse | UMP |
Minister of Health, Youth and Sports | Roselyne Bachelot | UMP |
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries | Christine Lagarde | UMP |
Minsiter of Culture and Communication | Christine Albanel | UMP |
Minister of Infraestructures and the Cities | Christine Boutin | FRS |
Minister of Inmigration, Integration, National Identity and Co-development | Brice Hortefeux | UMP |
Minister of the Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Service | Éric Woerth | UMP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: