Fifth Republic
Ayrault I
Prime Minister | Jean-Marc Ayrault | PS |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Laurent Fabius | PS |
Minister of Interior | Manuel Valls | PS |
Minister of Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade | Pierre Moscovici | PS |
Minister of Justice | Christiane Taubira | W |
Minister of Defence | Jean-Yves Le Drian | PS |
Minister of Labour, Employment, Professional Formation and Social Dialogue | Michel Sapin | PS |
Minister of National Education | Vincent Peillon | PS |
Minister of Higher Education and Research | Geneviève Fioraso | PS |
Minister of Social Affairs and Health | Marisol Touraine | PS |
Minsiter of Agriculture, Food and Forestry | Stéphane Le Foll | PS |
Minister of Culture and Communication | Aurélie Filippetti | PS |
Minister of Sports, Youth, Popular Education and Community Life | Valérie Fourneyron | PS |
Minister of Territorial Equality and Housing | Cécile Duflot | EELV |
Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy | Nicole Bricq | PS |
Minister of Productive Recovery | Arnaud Montebourg | PS |
Minister of Women´s Rights | Najat Vallaud-Belkacem | PS |
Minsiter of State Reforms, Decentralization and Public Service | Marylise Lebranchu | PS |
Minister of Overseas Territories | Victorin Lurel | PS |
Delegate Minister for the Budget | Jèrôme Cahuzac | PS |
Delegate Minister for Educational Success | George Pau-Langevin | PS |
Delegate Minister for Relation with the Parliament | Alain Vidalies | PS |
Delegate Minister of Justice | Delphine Batho | PS |
Delegate Minister for the City | François Lamy | PS |
Delegate Minister of European Affairs | Bernard Cazeneuve | PS |
Delegate Minister Responsible for Seniors and Dependants | Michèle Delaunay | PS |
Delegate Minister of Crafts, Trade and Tourism | Sylvia Pinel | PRG |
Delegate Minister of Social Economy and Solidarity | Benoît Hamon | PS |
Delegate Minister of Family | Dominique Bertinotti | PS |
Delegate Minister Responsible for Persons with Disabilities | Marie-Arlette Carlotti | PS |
Delegate Minister of Development | Pascal Canfin | EELV |
Delegate Minister of Foreigner´ French and Francophonie | Yamina Benguigui | INDEP. |
Delegate Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy | Frédéric Cuvillier | PS |
Delegate Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Innovation and Digital Economy | Fleur Pellerin | PS |
Delegate Minister of Veterans | Kader Arif | PS |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: