
Fifth Republic

Philippe I

From: 15/05/2017
To: 18/06/2017

Prime Minister Édouard Philippe INDEP.
Minister of State and Minister of Interior Gérard Collomb INDEP.
Minister of State and Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition Nicolas Hulot INDEP.
Minister of State and Minister of Justice François Bayrou MODEM
Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian INDEP.
Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire INDEP.
Minister of Defence Sylvie Goulard REM
Minister of Labour Muriel Pénicaud INDEP.
Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer INDEP.
Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Frédérique Vidal INDEP.
Minister of Agriculture and Food Jacques Mézard PRG
Minister of Culture Françoise Nyssen INDEP.
Minister of Solidarity and Health Agnès Buzyn INDEP.
Minister of Sport Laura Flessel-Colovic INDEP.
Minister of Territorial Cohesion Richard Ferrand REM
Minister of Public Action and Accounts Gérald Darmanin INDEP.
Minister of Overseas France Annick Girardin PRG
Minister in charge of Transport Élisabeth Borne INDEP.
Minister in charge of European Affairs Marielle de Sarnez MODEM

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: