Fifth Republic
Philippe I
Prime Minister | Édouard Philippe | INDEP. |
Minister of State and Minister of Interior | Gérard Collomb | INDEP. |
Minister of State and Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition | Nicolas Hulot | INDEP. |
Minister of State and Minister of Justice | François Bayrou | MODEM |
Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs | Jean-Yves Le Drian | INDEP. |
Minister of Economy | Bruno Le Maire | INDEP. |
Minister of Defence | Sylvie Goulard | REM |
Minister of Labour | Muriel Pénicaud | INDEP. |
Minister of National Education | Jean-Michel Blanquer | INDEP. |
Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation | Frédérique Vidal | INDEP. |
Minister of Agriculture and Food | Jacques Mézard | PRG |
Minister of Culture | Françoise Nyssen | INDEP. |
Minister of Solidarity and Health | Agnès Buzyn | INDEP. |
Minister of Sport | Laura Flessel-Colovic | INDEP. |
Minister of Territorial Cohesion | Richard Ferrand | REM |
Minister of Public Action and Accounts | Gérald Darmanin | INDEP. |
Minister of Overseas France | Annick Girardin | PRG |
Minister in charge of Transport | Élisabeth Borne | INDEP. |
Minister in charge of European Affairs | Marielle de Sarnez | MODEM |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: