

From: 02/02/1968
To: 21/09/1971

Prime Minister Hilmar Tormod Ingolf Baunsgaard B
Minister of Foreign Affairs Poul Hartling V
Minister of Interior Poul Sørensen C
Minister of Economic, Northern and European Market Affairs Poul Frode Nyboe Andersen V
Minister of Finance Poul Møller C
Minister of Justice Knud Ole Martin Thestrup C
Minister of Defence Erik Ninn-Hansen C
Minister of Labour Lauge Dahlgaard B
Minister of Welfare Bertha Frederikke Nathalie Lind V
Minister of Education Helge Larsen B
Minister of Agriculture Peter Larsen V
Minister of Cultural Affairs and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries and Disarmament Issues Kristen Helveg Petersen B
Minister of Trade, Craft, Industry and Shipping Knud Erik Gad Thomsen C
Minister of Public Works Ove Guldberg V
Minister of Housing Aage Hastrup C
Minister of Church Affairs Arne Fog Pedersen V
Minister of Fisheries and Greenland Arnold Christian Normann B

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: