
Second Republic

Skrzyński I

From: 20/11/1925
To: 19/04/1926

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Aleksander Skrzyński INDEP.
Minister of Internal Affairs Władysław Raczkiewicz INDEP.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Jerzy Zdziechowski ZLN
Minister of Justice Stefan Piechocki CHNSP
Minister of Military Affairs Stefan Majewski INDEP.
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Bronisław Ziemięcki PPS
Minister of Religious Believes and Public Education Stanisław Grabski ZLN
Minister of Agriculture and State Property Władysław Kiernik PSL/P
Minister for Land Reform Józef Radwan INDEP.
Minister of Industry and Trade Stanisław Osiecki PSL/P
Minister of Railways Adam Chądzyński NPR
Minister of Public Works Jędrzej Moraczewski PPS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu