
Third Republic

Freitas do Amaral (acting)

From: 05/12/1980
To: 08/01/1981

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Diogo Freitas do Amaral CDS
Minister of the Interior Eurico de Melo PSD
Minsiter of Finance and Planning Aníbal Cavaco Silva PSD
Minister of Justice Mário Raposo PSD
Minister of National Defence Adelino Amaro da Costa CDS
Minister of Labour Eusébio Marques de Carvalho INDEP.
Minister of Social Affairs João Antonio Morais Leitão CDS
Minister of Education Vítor Pereira Crespo PSD
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries António Cardoso e Cunha PSD
Minister of Transport and Communications José Carlos Viana Baptista PSD
Minister of Trade and Tourism Basílio Horta CDS
Minister of Industry and Energy Álvaro Barreto PSD
Minsiter of Housing and Public Works João Lopes Porto CDS
Minsiter without Portfolio Francisco Pinto Balsemão PSD

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu