Third Republic
Freitas do Amaral (acting)
Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs | Diogo Freitas do Amaral | CDS |
Minister of the Interior | Eurico de Melo | PSD |
Minsiter of Finance and Planning | Aníbal Cavaco Silva | PSD |
Minister of Justice | Mário Raposo | PSD |
Minister of National Defence | Adelino Amaro da Costa | CDS |
Minister of Labour | Eusébio Marques de Carvalho | INDEP. |
Minister of Social Affairs | João Antonio Morais Leitão | CDS |
Minister of Education | Vítor Pereira Crespo | PSD |
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries | António Cardoso e Cunha | PSD |
Minister of Transport and Communications | José Carlos Viana Baptista | PSD |
Minister of Trade and Tourism | Basílio Horta | CDS |
Minister of Industry and Energy | Álvaro Barreto | PSD |
Minsiter of Housing and Public Works | João Lopes Porto | CDS |
Minsiter without Portfolio | Francisco Pinto Balsemão | PSD |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu