
Fourth Republic

Ramadier I

From: 22/01/1947
To: 04/05/1947

Prime Minister Paul Ramadier SFIO
Vice-Premier and Minister of State Maurice Thorez PCF
Vice-Premier and Minister of State Pierre-Henri Teitgen MRP
Minister of State Félix Gouin SFIO
Minister of State Yvon Delbos PRS
Minister of State Marcel Roclore RI
Minister of Foreign Affairs Georges Bidault MRP
Minister of Interior Édouard Depreux SFIO
Minsiter of National Economy André Philip SFIO
Minister of Finance Robert Schuman MRP
Minister of Justice André Marie PRS
Minister of National Defence François Billoux PCF
Minister of War Paul Coste-Floret MRP
Minister of Marine Louis Jacquinot RI
Minister of Air André Maroselli PRS
Minister of Labour and Social Security Ambroise Croizat PCF
Minister of National Education Marcel-Edmond Naegelen SFIO
Minister of Public Health and Population Georges Marrane PCF
Minister of Agriculture François Tanguy-Prigent SFIO
Minister of Youth, Arts and Letters Pierre Bourdan UDSR
Minister of Transport and Public Works Jules Moch SFIO
Minister of Industrial Production Robert Lacoste SFIO
Minister of Trade Jean Letourneau MRP
Minister of Reconstruction and Urbanism Charles Tillon PCF
Minister of French Overseas Marius Moutet SFIO
Minister of Veterans and War Victims François Mitterrand UDSR

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: