
Kingdom/Republic of Finland (post-WWI)


From: 17/04/1919
To: 14/08/1919

Prime Minister Kaarlo Castrén KE
Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Johan Alexis Enckell INDEP.
(Delegate) Minister of Foreign Affairs Leo Reinhold Ehrnrooth RKP
Minister of Interior Carl Emil Fredrik Voss-Schrader INDEP.
Minister of Finance August Ramsay RKP
Minister of Justice Karl Gustav Söderholm RKP
Minister of War Karl Rudolf Waldén INDEP.
Minister of Social Affairs Alkio Santeri ML
Minister of Church and Education August Mikael Soininen KE
Minister of Agriculture Kyösti Kallio ML
(Delegate) Minister of Agriculture Eero Viljam Hahl ML
Minister of Transport and Public Works Eero Erkko KE
Minister of Trade and Industry Juho Heikki Vennola KE
Minister of Provisions Karl Johan Mikael Collan KE
Minister without Portfolio Mikko Luopajärvi ML

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: