
Kingdom/Republic of Finland (post-WWI)


From: 31/03/1925
To: 30/12/1925

Prime Minister Antti Agaton Tulenheimo KOK.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Gustaf Ingman INDEP.
Minister of Interior Matti Aura INDEP.
Minister of Finance Hugo Magnus Johannes Relander INDEP.
Minister of Justice Frans Oskar Lilius INDEP.
Minister of Defence Aleksander Lampén KOK.
Minister of Social Affairs Nilkku Joukahainen ML
Minister of Education Emil Nestor Setälä KOK.
Minister of Agriculture Juho Emil Sunila ML
Minister of Transport and Public Works Kyösti Kallio ML
Minister of Trade and Industry Yrjö Rafael Pulkkinen KOK.
Minister without Portfolio Kalle Aukusti Lohi ML
(Delegate) Minister of Agriculture Vihtori Vesterinen ML

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: