

From: 22/02/2002
To: 25/07/2002

Prime Minister Pandeli Majko PSSH
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Skënder Gjinushi PSDSH
Minister of Foreign Affairs Arta Dade PSSH
Minister of Public Order Stefan Çipa PSSH
Minister of Public Economy and Privatisation Ermelinda Meksi PSSH
Minister of Finance Kastriot Islami PSSH
Minister of Justice Spiro Peçi PBDNJ
Minister of Defence Luan Rama PSSH
Minister of Education and Science Luan Memushi PSSH
Minister of Health Mustafa Xhani PSSH
Minister of Agriculture and Food Agron Duka INDEP.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Agron Tato PSSH
Minister of Public Works and Tourism Fatmir Xhafa PSSH
Minister of Transport Maqo Lakrori PSSH
Minsiter of Energy and Industry Viktor Doda PSSH
Minister of Environment Lufter Xhuveli PASH
Minister of Local Government and Decentralisation Et´hem Ruka PSSH
Minister of State Marko Bello PSSH
Minister of State Ndre Legisi PSSH

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: