
Fifth Republic

Jospin II

From: 29/08/2000
To: 06/05/2002

Prime Minister Lionel Jospin PS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Hubert Védrine PS
Minister of Economy and Finance Laurent Fabius PS
Minister of Interior Daniel Vaillant PS
Minister of Justice Élisabeth Guigou PS
Minister of Defence Alain Richard PS
Minister of Employment and Solidarity Martine Aubry PS
Minister of Education, Research and Technology Jack Lang PS
Minister of Agriculture and Fishing Jean Glavany PS
Minister of Culture Catherine Tasca PS
Minister of Environmental Protection Dominique Voynet LV
Minister of Youth and Sports Marie-George Buffet PCF
Minister of Research Roger-Gérard Schwartzenberg PRG
Minsiter of Equipment Jean-Claude Gayssot PCF
Minister of Relations with the Parliament Jean-Jack Queyranne PS
Minister for the Reform of the State, Decentralisation and the Civil Servants Michel Sapin PS
Delegate Minister for the Cities Claude Bartolone PS
Delegate Minister of Vocational Education Jean-Luc Mélenchon PS
Delegate Minister of Cooperation and Francophonie Charles Josselin PS
Delegate Minister for European Affairs Pierre Moscovici PS
Delegate Minister of Family and Children Ségoléne Royal PS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: