The current database contains information about cabinet composition and party system development in 48 European democratic states. European indicates those countries stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals. Democratic refers to those countries displaying (1) a score of 6 or higher in the Polity IV index, (2) universal suffrage elections (including universal male suffrage only, when historically appropriate), and (3) governments formed and/or relying on a parliamentary majority, rather than on the exclusive will of the head of state. States includes those countries recognized by either the United Nations or the Council of Nations [1]
In terms of governments, the database contains information on cabinet duration (i.e. dates of formation and termination), the names of the various ministerial offices as well as of the people [2] appointed to occupy them, and the partisan affiliation of each minister at the time a particular cabinet is appointed.
In accordance with the party government literature, the database records changes of government when:
(1) there is a change in the partisan composition of the government coalition (i.e., when representatives of one or more parties leave the coalition government or join the coalition government); (2) the prime minister leaves his/her office, whether they are obliged to do so because of a no confidence vote or they decide to resign for other reasons; and (3) parliamentary elections are held, even in cases where there is no resulting change in the partisan composition of the cabinet (Müller and Strøm, 2000).
In all these cases, the database only records the partisan composition of cabinets at the time of appointment. Thus, it is important to note here that if a party leaves a government and new ministers are not appointed on the same or the following day, then these ministerial replacements are not included in the “new” cabinet. Similarly, simple government reshuffles are not recorded.
In case of electoral coalitions, the database also displays information about the partisan affiliation of the ministers belonging to the different parties within the coalition. In those instances when two or more parties merged to form a new one, the partisan affiliation of the ministers belonging to the parties merged is also shown.
In terms of party systems, and closely following the party politics literature (Bartolini and Mair, 1990; Huntington, 1968; Lijphart, 1999; Mainwaring and Scully, 1995; Sartori, 1976), the database contains operationalisations and measurements for seven different classic indicators: namely, party system institutionalisation, party institutionalisation, electoral volatility, effective number of parties, number of new parties, polarization and electoral disproportionality.
All in all the database covers 176 years,[3] 68 different historical political regimes (see Appendix),[4] 807 elections,[5] and more than 1978 political parties, [6] and 1897 cases of government formation.[7]
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- Andorra
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- Armenia
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- Austria
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- Belarus
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- Belgium
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- “Les Belges, Leur Historie…” Website. Available at:
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Detrez, R. (2015): Historical Dictionary of Bulgaria. UK: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Croatia
- Bulgarian Government Official Website. Available at:
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- Cyprus
- Cypriot Government Official Website. Available at:
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- Czechoslovakia
- Czech Government Official Website. Available at:, and
- Čapka, F. (1998): Dějiny zemí Koruny české v datech. Available at:
- Czech Republic
- Czech Government Official Website. Available at:
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- Denmark
- Danish Government Official Website. Available at:
- Estonia
- Estonian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Mõttus, A. (2004): Riigikogu VII, VIII ja IX koosseis: Statistikat ja Kommentaare. Tallinn: Riigikogu Kantselei.
- Finland
- Finish Government Official Website. Available at:
- Tõrnudd, K. (1969): “Composition of Cabinets in Finland, 1917-1968”, Scandinavian Political Studies, v. 4, n. 4, pp. 58-70
- France
- French Government Official Website. Available at:
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- Angelis, D. (2015): Histoire de la France, de ses Souverains et de ses Républiques. Available at:
- Boissieu, L. de (2015): France Politique. Available at:
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- Chastenet, J. (1954): Histoire de la Troisiéme République (7 vols.). Libraire Hachette
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- Williams, P.M. (1964): Crisis and Compromise: Politics in the Fourth Republic. New York: Doubleday & Company Inc.
- Georgia
- Georgian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Mikaberidze, A. (2015): Historical Dictionary of Georgia. USA: Rowman and Littlefield
- Germany
- German National Archive Official Website. Available at:, and
- Bavarian State Library Official Website. Available at:
- Gonschior, A. (2005): “Die Reichsregierungen 1918-1933”, Das Deutsche Reich. Available at:
- Greece
- Greek Government Official Website. Available at:
- Greek Parliament Official Website. Available at:
- Dimitropoulos, A.C. (2004): ΟI ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΕΣ ΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΕΙΣ, 1843-2004. Athens. Available at:
- Gardikas, K. (1988): “Parties and Politics in Greece, 1875-1885: Towards a Two-party Systems”, Thesis. London: King’s College London.
- Hering, G. (1992): Die Politischen Parteien in Griechenland, 1821-1936. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag BmbH München.
- Koliopoulos, J.S. and Veremis, T.M. (2010): Modern Greece. A History since 1821. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hungary
- Hungarian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Körösenyi (1999): Government and Politics in Hungary. CEU Press
- Iceland
- Icelandic Government Official Website. Available at:
- Indridason, I.H. (2005): “A Theory of Coalitions and Clientelism: Coalition Politics in Iceland, 1945-2000”, European Journal of Political Research, v. 44, n. 3, pp. 439-464
- Ireland
- Irish Government Official Website. Available at:
- Italy
- Italian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Italian Parliament Official Website. Available at:, and
- Kosovo
- Kosovar Government Official Website. Available at:,43
- Morina, E. (2011): A Power Primer. A Handbook to Politics, People and Parties in Kosovo. Prishtina: IKS.
- Latvia
- Latvian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Lithuanian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Lithuanian Parliament Official Website. Available at:
- Luxembourg
- Luxembourgish Government Official Website. Available at:
- Thewes, G. (2011): Les Gouvernements du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg depuis 1848. Available at:
- Macedonia
- Macedonian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Bechev, D. (2009): Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia. USA: Scarecrow Press.
- Darski, J. and Targalski, J. (2014): Macedonia: Panorama Polityczna (1990-2014)”. Available at:–-2011.
- Malta
- Maltese Government Official Website. Available at:
- Moldova
- Moldovan Government Official Website. Available at:
- “Alegeri Parlamentare în Moldova”, e-Democracy. Available at:
- Electorala [various years]. Chisinau: Comisia Electorala Centrala.
- Brezianu, A. and Spânu, V. (2003): The A to Z of Moldova. USA: Scarecrow Press.
- Brezianu, A. and Spânu, V. (2007): Historical Dictionary of Moldova. USA: Scarecrow Press.
- Midrigan, P. (2006): “Partidele in Sistemul Politic al Republicii Moldova”, Thesis. Chisinau: Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
- Bucataru, Igor (2005): “Institutionalizarea Partidelor Politice din Republica Moldova: Studiu Interdisciplinar”. Thesis. Chisinau: State University of Moldova
- Montenegro
- Montenegrin Government Official Website. Available at:
- The Netherlands
- Dutch Government Official Website. Available at:
- “Historische Ontwikkeling kKabinetten” in the Dutch Parliament Official Website. Available at:
- Norway
- Norwegian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Poland
- Polish Government Official Website. Available at:
- Brodacka-Adamowicz, E. (2010): Ministrowie Oświaty Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Okes Rządów Parlamentarnych (1918-1926). Siedlce: Uniwersyten Przyrodniczo-HumanistycznY
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- Kaleta, P. (2009): Ludzie Wladzy. Polskie Niepodleglej 1989-2009. OLTOM
- Portugal
- Portuguese Government Official Website. Available at:
- ISCSP (2001): Governos da I Republica. Available at:
- Maltez, J.A. (2009): “Governos de Portugal”, Projecto CiPRE. Available at:
- Oliveira Marques, A.H. (2000): Parlamentares e Ministros da I Republica Portuguesa (1910-1926). Lisboa: Edições Afrontamento.
- Wheeler, D.L. (1999): Republican Portugal: A Political History, 1910-1926. USA: University of Wisconsin Press.
- Romania
- Romanian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Russia
- Russian Government Official Website. Available at:
- San Marino
- Sammarinese Government Official Website. Available at:
- Sammarinese Parliament Official Website. Available at:
- Libertas (2008): I Governi dal 1993 a Oggi. Available at:
- Bacciocchi, L. (1999): Dall’Arengo Alla Democrazia Dei Partiti. San Marino: Edizioni del Titano.
- Gasperoni, D. (1995): Il Congreso di Stato. San Marino: Edizioni del Titano.
- Gasperoni, D., Marcucci, P. and Tura Gilberto (2008): Storia delle Elezioni a San Marino dal 1906 al 2008. San Marino: Segretaria di Stato per gli Affari Interni
- Poggi, P.P. (1985): “Le Forze Politiche dall´Arengo al Fascismo”, in Storia Illustrata della Repubblica di San Marino, v. II. San Marino: AIEP Editore
- Serbia
- Serbian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Serbian Electoral Commission Official Website. Available at:
- Slovakia
- Slovak Government Official Website. Available at:
- Slovenia
- Slovenian Government Official Website. Available at:
- Spain
- Spanish Government Official Website. Available at:
- Spanish Parliament Official Website. Available at:
- Belenes i Rodríguez, L. (2015): Los gobiernos de España desde 1833. Available at:
- Linz, J.J., Montero, J.R., and Ruíz, A.M. (2005): “Elecciones y Política”, in Carlos Barcela López, Albert Carreras and Xavier Tafunell (eds.) Estadísticas Históricas de España: Siglos XIX-XX. Bilbao: Fundación BBVA.
- Lozano, C. (2015): “Gobiernos Democráticos de España desde 1913”, Historialelectoral. Available at:
- Rodríguez Teruel, J. (2011): Los Ministros de la España Democrática. Madrid: CEPC.
- Urquijo y Goitia, J.R. (2008): Gobiernos y Ministros Españoles en la Edad Contemporánea. Madrid: Editorial CSIC.
- Sweden
- Swedish Government Official Website. Available at:
- Switzerland
- Swiss Government Official Website. Available at:
- Turkey
- Turkish Parliament Official Website. Available at:, and
- Ukraine
- Åslund, A. (2009): How Ukraine Became a Market Economy and Democracy. USA: Peterson Institute
- Who is Who in Ukraine [various years]. Kiev: K.I.S.
- Who is Who in State Governance [various years]. Kiev: K.I.S.
- Who is Who in Ukrainian politics [various years]. Kiev: K.I.S.
- United Kingdom
- British Government Official Website. Available at:
- Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
- Dragnich, A. (1983): The First Yugoslavia: Search for a Viable Political System. USA: Hoover Press Publication
- Fogelquist, A. (2011): Politics and Economic Policy in Yugoslavia, 1918-1929.
- Jarman, R.L. (1997): Yugoslavia Political Diaries, 1918-1965 (2 volumes). UK: Ashley House.
- Ljšić, R. and Dimić, L. (2005): Vlade Srbije 1805-2005. Belgrade: Zavod za Udžbenike i Nastavna Sredstva
- Mitrinović, C. and Brasić, M. (1937): Jugoslovenske Narodne Skupstine I Sabori. Belgrade: Izdanje Narodne Skupstine Kraljevine Jugoslavije.
- Mrđenović, D. (1988): Ustavi i Vlade 1835 – 1941. Belgrade: Nova Knjiga.
- Rodić, N. and Jović, L. (1996): Vlade Srbije 1805-1996. Belgrade: Sluzbeni Glasnik.
In many instances the only way to know the partisan affiliation of a minister was simply by asking, either by phone or by e-mail, the minister in question or a politician close enough to him/her (e.g. a member of the same party and/or government). In most cases, the data presented in this database have been also cross-checked with information provided by country experts (see acknowledgments) and other sources on the World Wide Web.
Most of the party system indicators have been calculated by myself, taking into consideration electoral results found in:
- European Election Database (NSD). Available at:
- Nohlen, D. and Stöver, P. (2010): Elections in Europe. A Data Handbook. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Rose, R. and Mackie, T. (1991). The International Almanac of Electoral History. London: Macmillan.
However, the following sources should also be acknowledged:
- Bormann, N.-C. and Golder, M. (2013): “Democratic Electoral Systems Around the World”, Electoral Studies, v. 32, n. 2, pp. 360-369
- Bugajski, J. (2002): Political Parties of Eastern Europe. A Guide to Politics in the Post-communist Era. USA: M.E. Sharpe
- Gallagher, M. (2014): Election Indices Dataset. Available at
- Gallagher, M., Laver, M. and Mair, P. (2011): Representative Government in Modern Europe. London: McGraw-Hill
- Karvonen, L. (1993): Fragmentation and Consensus. Political Organization and the Interwar Crisis in Europe. Boulder, Colorado: Columbia University Press.
Advisory board
Zsolt Enyedi (Central European University) and Martin Mölder (University of Tartu).
I would like to acknowledge the help received in the elaboration of this European-wide database from Rudy Andeweg, Max Bader, Ingrid van Biezen, Cristoforo Buscarini, Oerd Bylykbashi, Verter Casali, Lucia Cecchetti, António Costa Pinto, Goran Čular, Mikołaj Cześnik, Régis Dandoy, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Kris Deschouwer, Diana Digol, Patrick Dumont, Cees van der Eijk, Filip Ejdus, Arolda Elbasani, Zsolt Enyedi, Wojciech Gagatek, Sergiu Gherghina, Katarzyna Grzybowska-Walecka, Tim Haughton, Indriđi Indriđason, Alex Kirby, Olivera Komar, Sotiris Leventis, Conor Little, Arben Loshi, Peter Mair (R.I.P), Lucia Marfori, Armen Mazmanyan, Andriy Meleshevich, Jan Meyer-Sahling, Juli Minoves-Triquell, Gorana Mišić, Martin Mölder, Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, Kyriaki Nanou, Vello Pettai, Daniela Piccio, Marina Popescu, Filipa Raimundo, Juan Rodríguez-Teruel, Sorina Soare, Maria Spirova, Aleksander Trechsel, Peter Učen, Ivan Vuković, Wouter Veenendaal, Emilia Zankina and, especially, Christophoros Christophorou, Giorgio Comai, Trajche Panov, Dane Taleski, and Martins Zemitis. I would also like to thank all my research assistants (i.e. Lilit Banduryan, Kristina Ćelap, Maksym Dvorovyi, Stevan Kandić, Shqipe Mjekiqi, Ludmila Nofit, Daša Słabčanka, Boban Stojanović, Tamar Tolordava) who, during my various fieldwork trips, helped me with the collection of the data, translation of documents, and interviews with politicians, academics, journalists, etc. I am also very thankful to Joanna Feliszek, who helped me with the re-organization of data into a more manageable and structured form, pointing to possible lacunas, errors, etc. I am also indebted to Julio de la Iglesia Trinidad and his team ( who helped me to design this website. Finally, I would like to acknowledge Elaine Housby’s help with the language editing. I could not have completed the database without their enormous help and support. I am, of course, the only one to be blamed for any eventual errors.
[1] For this reason, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is not included.
[2] Senior, but not junior (i.e. deputy), ministers are recorded.
[3] The number of years per country taken into account varies between just 1 (i.e. Czechoslovakia’s Third Republic and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) and more than a century (e.g. Norway, Denmark).
[4] The number of political regimes taken into account varies between just 1 (e.g. Belgium or the Netherlands) and 4 (i.e. France and Greece).
[5] The number of electoral cycles taken into account varies between just 1 (e.g. Greece’s post-WWII Kingdom or Poland’s First Republic) and 36 (Switzerland).
[6] The number of political parties taken into account varies between just 1 (Belarus) and 102 (The Netherlands).
[7] The number of cabinets taken into account varies between just 1 (Czechoslovakia’s Third Republic) and 98 (France’s Third Republic).