Seminar in Armenia
Seminar lecture at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of the American University in Yerevan on "Party System Development under Armenia’s New Constitution: Comparative Perspectives" View LINK
Seminar lecture at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of the American University in Yerevan on "Party System Development under Armenia’s New Constitution: Comparative Perspectives" View LINK
By Višeslav Raos (University of Zagreb) After the November elections for the Croatian Parliament produced no clear winner, a newcomer party Bridge of Independent Lists (MOST) became a pivot party. This party, actually a loose, ideologically heterogeneous coalition of independent mayors and local citizen initiatives with a joint mission of toppling down the existing political [...]
Research at the library of the Armenian Parliament (Azgayin Zhoghov) in Yerevan.
Moderator at the Session on the “Public funding to Political Parties and the newly introduced system in Ukraine” (Kiev) Speakers: Nataliia Korchak, Head of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption Nataliia Vadimova, Head of Division of Control over Use of Funds, Central Election Commission of Ukraine Prof. Daniel Smilov, Associate Professor at the Political [...]
Participation at the 6th ECPR Research Sessions at the Radboud University of Nijmegen on "The Evolution of Party Systems: A Global Perspective" View LINK
An analysis on the 26th June parliamentary elections in Spain View LINK Spanish version
Presentation at the Department of Political Science at Leiden University on "The ‘Myth’ of Institutionalization and Democracy" View LINK
A brief reflection on the Brexit in one of Galicia's leading newspapers.
Interview on "the consequences of Brexit" for "Boulevard Magazine", a EiTB (Basque Radio) Show. LISTEN TO INTERVIEW
A brief historical analysis of repeated elections in Europe and the implications for the Spanish case. View LINK Spanish version