Article in “The Washington Post”
A brief analysis of the five post-electoral scenarios Spanish political parties will face when trying to form a government View LINK
A brief analysis of the five post-electoral scenarios Spanish political parties will face when trying to form a government View LINK
A brief analysis on the present and future of Polish politics View LINK
By Michał Kotnarowski (Polish Academy of Sciences) In mid-2014, a year before presidential and parliamentary elections almost everything looked good for the ruling party PO (Civic Platform), which had been governing the country together with its junior coalition partner PSL (Polish Peasant Party) for seven years. Economic indicators were very good - a continuous increase [...]
By Gabriela Borz (University of Strathclyde) On Tuesday the 17th of November, a new technocratic government led by Dacian Cioloş was approved by the Romanian Parliament with 389 votes in favour and 115 against. Invested with a short mandate of one year, it is the third technocratic government Romania has had in the last 25 [...]
By Dimitris Sourvanos (London School of Economics) and Kyriaki Nanou (University of Nottingham) Last week Euclid Tsakalotos gave a talk at the LSE discussing from his own experiences – as (the current) finance minister in Greece and as a lifelong Marxist – the difficulties that left-wing parties are faced with when governing under severe constraints. [...]
Presentation at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO, Quito) of "The Essential Work of Peter Mair" with the participation of Dr. Simón Pachano (FLACSO). View LINK
Research at the library of the Ecuadorian Parliament (Asamblea Nacional) in Quito.
Presentation at the Seminar on "International Experiences for Political Organisations" organised by the Democratic Agora (IDEA-NIMD) and the Institute of Democracy in Quito View LINK 1 View LINK 2
By Ilke Toygur (Autonomous University of Madrid) The November elections were a huge gamble for Turkey: A gamble wagered and won. President Erdoğan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) put all their cards on the table and in turn got what they wanted: a single party rule. After failing to form a coalition in [...]
Member of a PhD. Thesis Committee, together with Prof. Joan Botella Corral (UAB) and Prof. Pablo Oñate Rubalcaba (UAV), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The PhD. Thesis, titled "Las dinámicas entre niveles de un partido de ámbito estatal en un sistema multinivel. El caso del Partido Popular en 1989-2015", was successfully defended by Patricia [...]