About Fernando Casal Bertoa

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So far Fernando Casal Bertoa has created 608 blog entries.
3 12, 2014

Seminar in Norway

2014-11-25T11:55:00+00:00December 3rd, 2014|

Presentation at the Seminar Series of the Department of Comparative Politics of the University of Bergen on "The Relationship between Party (System) Institutionalization and Democratic Consolidation"

2 11, 2014

WELCOME to the Blog of the PSGo!

2019-05-20T12:58:26+01:00November 2nd, 2014|

Here you will find the opinions of country experts on the process of cabinet formation and termination in different European democracies. If you have ever wondered how government coalitions are formed, what the negotiation process looks like, or what the pros and cons of a certain cabinet are, then this site is for you. The [...]

1 09, 2014

“Ballots and Bullets” blog

2019-05-20T12:58:27+01:00September 1st, 2014|

Post on the limited effects of party finance regulation when trying to reduce party corruption, published on the blog of School of Politics & IR at the University of Nottingham. View link Spanish version 1 Spanish version 2