2 03, 2021

TV debate (Armenia)

2021-03-11T13:22:19+00:00March 2nd, 2021|

Debate with Mr. Daniel Ioannisyan (member of the Constitutional Reform Commission in Armenia) on the "Re-introduction of semi-presidentialism in Armenia" for "Civilnet" (Armenian TV station). WATCH INTERVIEW (in Armenian) WATCH INTERVIEW (in English)

16 01, 2021

ECPR/ODIHR Winter School (Poland)

2021-01-27T10:22:50+00:00January 16th, 2021|

Co-director at the 3th European Consortium for Political Research/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Winter School on “Parties and Democracy” in Warsaw. View LINK View PROGRAM

27 11, 2020

Seminar in Spain

2020-11-27T16:00:44+00:00November 27th, 2020|

Seminar lecture at the Department of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the University of Valencia on "The Illness of Representative Democracy: Is There a Cure?"

19 11, 2020

Presentation in US

2020-11-23T17:42:52+00:00November 19th, 2020|

Presentation of "The Volatility of Volatility" article and "Splitting the Difference" paper, together with Dr Kevin Keegan-Krause, at Wayne State University (Detroit, USA).

19 11, 2020

Workshop in Czechia

2020-11-23T17:51:06+00:00November 19th, 2020|

Keynote speech on "Party System Closure: Party Alliances, Government Alternatives, and Democracy in Europe." at the Early Career Research Workshop "Revisiting Linkages between Citizens and Politicians in Contemporary Europe" in the University of Prague (Czechia).