Talk in Montenegro
Lecture at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Montenegro on "The Crisis of Representative Democracy and the Rise of Anti-political-establishment Parties" View LINK 1
Lecture at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Montenegro on "The Crisis of Representative Democracy and the Rise of Anti-political-establishment Parties" View LINK 1
Workshop on "Democracy in Reverse: Patterns of Autocratization in Eastern Europe and Eurasia" at the University of Tartu (Estonia). View LINK
Co-director at the 28th European Consortium for Political Research PhD Summer School on “Political Parties and Party Systems” in Nottingham. View LINK
Seminar lecture at the Institute of Juridical Investigaciones (IIJ) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City on "The Crisis of European Party Systems". View LINK
Keynote speech on "Party Systems in Crisis: Can We Fix It?" at the 6th International Conference of the Mexican Political Science Association (AMECIP) in Puebla (Mexico). View LINK
Presentation of the "Who Governs" project at the "Sharing is Caring: Comparative Ministerial Elites Across Time and Space" workshop held at the Australian National University (Canberra).
Presentation at the 25th World Congress of Political Science in Brisbane.
Co-director at the 1st European Consortium for Political Research/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Summer School on “Parties and Democracy” in Warsaw. View LINK View PROGRAM
Presentation at the Taiwan Studies Program's and Asia Research Institute's workshop on "Mapping Taiwan Globally" held at the University of Nottingham (UK).
Keynote Speaker at the Session on the “Regulating Money and Politics, a General Overview” (Tbilisi) Speakers: Mr. Yves-Marie Doublet, Deputy Director at the National Assembly of France and Council of Europe expert (GRECO) Dr. Fernando Casal Bertoa, Assistant Professor (University of Nottingham) and Council of Europe expert (Venice Commission) Ms. Nana Kalandadze, Programe Officer, International [...]