26 05, 2018

TV interview (Mongolia)

2019-05-20T12:58:06+01:00May 26th, 2018|

Interview on "populism, the crisis of democracy and party regulation" for "Eagle 22", a  Eagle News (Mongolian Television) Politics Show WATCH INTERVIEW

13 05, 2018

TV interview (Mongolia)

2019-05-20T12:58:06+01:00May 13th, 2018|

Interview on "party funding regulation in Mongolia" for MNB's (Mongolian Television) News (between minutes 24th and 42nd). WATCH INTERVIEW

26 04, 2018

Presentation in UK

2019-05-20T12:58:06+01:00April 26th, 2018|

Presentation on "The Determinants of Vote for Anti-Political-Establishment Parties in Western Europe" at the 1st REPRESENT International Conference in Birmingham (UK).

20 04, 2018

CIVILNET interview

2019-05-20T12:58:06+01:00April 20th, 2018|

Interview on the political situation in Armenia, published by CIVILNET. View link Armenian version