26 07, 2017

Book presentation (Uruguay)

2017-08-02T14:37:48+01:00July 26th, 2017|

Presentation at the Faculty of Social Sciences during the ALACIP Conference (Montevideo) of "The Essential Work of Peter Mair" with the participation of Dr. Gerardo Scherlis (University of Buenos Aires), Andrés Malamud (University of Lisboa) and Flavia Freidenberg (National Autonomous University of Mexico).

5 07, 2017

OSCE/ODIHR Seminar (Spain)

2020-08-26T16:18:37+01:00July 5th, 2017|

Moderator at the Roundtable with Party Representatives on the “The Potential for Political Finance Reform in Spain” (Valencia) Speakers: Juan Vicente Perez Aras (PP), Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Improvement of Democracy, Fight against Corruption, and Legal and Institutional Reform of the Congress of Deputies Artemi Rallo Lambaste (PSOE), Member of the Committee for [...]