3 11, 2023

The 2023 Swiss Federal Elections: Last Time’s Winners Lose and Losers Win

2023-11-03T19:43:41+00:00November 3rd, 2023|

By Lukas Lauener (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences/University of Lausanne) On 22 October, almost 5.6 million voters were called to elect the new Swiss Parliament for its 52nd legislative period. 46.6 percent of eligible voters participated in the elections, which is a small increase of 1.5 percentage points compared to 2019. It [...]

16 10, 2023

The 2023 Polish Parliamentary Election: Change is Coming

2023-10-16T21:33:05+01:00October 16th, 2023|

By Kamil Marcinkiewicz (formerly University of Hamburg) In the parliamentary election on October 15th, 2023, Poles voted for 460 members of the lower house of parliament, the Sejm, and 100 members of the upper house, the Senate. The authoritarian Law and Justice (PiS) is expected to win according to the late polls roughly 36% of [...]

1 10, 2023

The 2023 Slovak Parliamentary Elections: Fico’s Return to Power is Likely but the New Government May Not Last Long

2023-10-02T16:38:30+01:00October 1st, 2023|

By Marek Rybář (Masaryk University) Robert Fico, the leader of Smer-Slovak Social Democracy (Smer), has made a resurgence. Following the electoral setback in 2020, the popularity of his party plummeted to some 8 percent. His erstwhile protégé, Peter Pellegrini, who assumed the role of Prime Minister in the Smer-led coalition government in 2018 after Fico [...]

17 08, 2023

In polarised Spain, populists win even when they lose the elections

2023-08-18T03:30:56+01:00August 17th, 2023|

By José Javier Olivas Osuna (UNED) Thanks to the high degree of political polarisation, Spain finds itself in a paradoxical situation. Although the electoral results were bad for most populist parties, they have all increased their capacity to influence governance after the last General Elections on 23 July 2023. Far right Vox lost 19 seats [...]

17 07, 2023

Greece’s 2023 Elections: The Need for Safety?

2023-07-17T14:13:13+01:00July 17th, 2023|

By Iakovos Makropoulos (University of Essex) The results of the May and June 2023 Greek Parliamentary Elections confirmed the dominance of the Conservative Party in Greece, New Democracy, whereas showed the weakness of the radical left and the main opposition, SYRIZA, to re-gain power (Figure 1). A recent major review of the Greek electoral system [...]

9 06, 2023

Rotating cabinets: a new political fashion

2023-06-09T07:14:39+01:00June 9th, 2023|

By Teodora Yovcheva (University of Sofia) Two months after the elections on 2 April following a cycle of early parliamentary elections, Bulgaria has its first government with rotation of the prime ministers. The government was a result of the tough negotiations between antagonists – GERB-SDS (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria – Union of Democratic [...]

31 05, 2023

Another landslide for Erdoğan and resilience of competitive authoritarianism: the runoff presidential elections in Turkey

2023-05-31T19:19:22+01:00May 31st, 2023|

By Hakan Yavuzyılmaz (Başkent University) On May 28th Turkish voters once again headed to polls to cast their votes for runoff presidential elections. The results of the first round and results of the legislative elections significantly demoralized the opposition camp. Contrary to the expectations, People’s Alliance’s candidate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received 49.5% of the votes [...]

22 05, 2023

Turkey’s May 14th Elections: A competitive yet unfair contest between authoritarianism and democracy:

2023-05-22T17:04:04+01:00May 22nd, 2023|

By Hakan Yavuzyılmaz (Başkent University) On May 14th Turkish citizens headed to the polls to cat their votes both for parliamentary and presidential elections. The elections saw a historic turnout, reaching to 87%. Such an extensive participation was both due to tight race between the main presidential candidates and high level of polarization in the [...]

4 04, 2023

Andorra’s 2023 elections: DA wins an absolute parliamentary majority

2023-04-04T15:58:24+01:00April 4th, 2023|

By Juli Minoves-Triquell (University of La Verne) The national elections in Andorra on April 2nd resulted in a majority for the center-right governing party (Figure 1). Demòcrates per Andorra (DA), of Prime Minister Xavier Espot. With a participation of 66.93% of the 29958 electorate, DA and its allies gathered 6262 votes at the national level [...]