Fieldwork in Montenegro
Research at the National Library in Cetinje and the library of the Montenegrin Parliament (Skupština Crne Gore) in Podgorica.
Research at the National Library in Cetinje and the library of the Montenegrin Parliament (Skupština Crne Gore) in Podgorica.
Presentation at the Seminar Series of the Department of Comparative Politics of the University of Bergen on "The Relationship between Party (System) Institutionalization and Democratic Consolidation"
Research at the library of the Serbian Parliament (Narodna Skupština) and the National Library in Belgrade.
Research at the library of the Albanian Parliament (Kuvendi i Shqipërisë) in Tirana.
Research at the library of the Kosovan parliament (Kuvendi i Kosovës) in Prishtina.
Research at the National library and the libraries of the State University and the Moldovan parliament (Parlamentul Republicii Moldova) in Chisinau.
Lecture at the Academy of Public Administration (Chisinau) on the "(Non-)effects of Party Finance Regulation on Political Corruption". View LINK
Presentation at the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation Workshop on “Parties and Democracy in Post-communist Europe” in Florence View LINK
Research at the State library of the Republic of San Marino.
Lecture at the 24th European Consortium for Political Research PhD Summer School on “Political Parties and Party Systems” in Lüneburg. View LINK