About Fernando Casal Bertoa

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So far Fernando Casal Bertoa has created 608 blog entries.
29 08, 2016

How many parties are in Spain’s lower chamber?

2019-05-20T12:58:16+01:00August 29th, 2016|

By Oscar Barberà Aresté (University of Valencia) The number of parties in a party system can be linked to its main issue dimensions filtered by other factors such the proportionality of the electoral system. The number of parties and their relevance is also tied to the cabinet bargaining process: the more parties are involved in [...]

24 08, 2016

Does the Polish Peasant Party have a future?

2019-05-20T12:58:16+01:00August 24th, 2016|

By Aleks Szczerbiak (University of Sussex) Following its severe battering in last year’s elections, Poland’s agrarian party faces an existential struggle to hang on to what is left of its electorate. Although it retains considerable assets and is still the greatest potential electoral threat to the ruling party in rural areas, it cannot simply rely [...]

17 08, 2016

Early elections, formation of the government and impact of the upcoming presidential elections

2019-05-20T12:58:16+01:00August 17th, 2016|

By Boban Stojanović (University of Belgrade) In April, Serbia held early parliamentary elections, the third in the last four years. After early elections in 2014, early parliamentary elections were also held in 2016 (April 24) together with the local elections. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has decided to go to early elections, with two objectives: [...]

26 07, 2016

Montenegrin 2016 Parliamentary elections: Same ol’… same ol’

2019-05-20T12:58:16+01:00July 26th, 2016|

By Olivera Komar (University of Montenegro) The next Montenegrin Parliamentary elections have been scheduled for October 16th. However, as it looks right now – they will bring no significant surprises. Quarter of century long incumbency of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) will most probably continue without any significant challenges. It did not look that way [...]

25 07, 2016

May the Force Be With You: Britain’s New Government

2019-05-20T12:58:16+01:00July 25th, 2016|

By Tim Haughton (University of Birmingham) For once the journalistic clichés were not over the top. The 23 June referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union was a seismic event, an earthquake which brought a dose of destruction to the British political scene: the Prime Minister resigned, allies knifed each other in the Conservative [...]

13 07, 2016

TV interview (Armenia)

2019-05-20T12:58:17+01:00July 13th, 2016|

Interview on the evolution of the "Armenian party system after constitutional reform" for "Civilnet" (Armenian TV station). WATCH INTERVIEW