Visiting Scholar (Japan)
Visiting Scholar at Waseda University (Tokyo).
Visiting Scholar at Waseda University (Tokyo).
Trainer at the Session on the “Funding of Political Parties” (Kiev) Session trainers: Dr. Magnus Ohman, Senior Advisor (IFES), “Party funding transparency – general principles and new technologies” Dr. Fernando Casal Bertoa, Nottingham Research Fellow (University of Nottingham), “Playing the Devil's Advocate: Party Funding Regulation and Corruption”
Keynote Speaker at the Session on the “Public Funding of Political Parties” (Kiev) Speakers: Mr. Sam Van der Staak, The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), “Public Funding around the World” Dr. Fernando Casal Bertoa, Nottingham Research Fellow (University of Nottingham), “Playing the Devil's Advocate: Party Funding Regulation and Corruption” Mr. Denys Kovryzhenko, [...]
Presentation at the 22nd Council for European Studies Annual Conference in Paris. View LINK
Launch of the "Political Parties, Party Systems and Elections" Research Network at the Council for European Studies Annual Conference in Paris. View LINK1 View LINK2
Participation in a Roundtable on "Regulatory Models, Common Problems and Examples to Learn from" at the UIMP Summer School on "Party and Campaign Funding. Other Types of Toxic Fundings" Chair: Dr. Astrid Barrio (University of Valencia) Speakers: Dr. Enrique García Viñuela, Jens-Oscar Nergârd (Norwegian Ministry of Administration, Reform and Church Affairs) and Dr. Fernando Casal [...]
By Helene Helboe Pedersen (Aarhus University) The result of the Danish national election on June 18 2015 has already been interpreted in several ways as a wake-up call to the urban political elite from the rural areas or as the election with only one winner who did not wanted to win. Up until Election Day [...]
A brief analysis of the last regional and local elections and the future of the Spanish party system View LINK
Lecture at King's College London (KCL) on "Political Parties or Party Systems? Assessing the "Myth" of Institutionalization and Democracy" View LINK 1
By Jan Sundberg (University of Helsinki) According to the procedure it is the biggest party in Parliament election who is given the role to form cabinet. The previous period from the last election in 2011 was a turbulent time. Ministers resigned, Left Wing Alliance left in protest, the Katainen cabinet resigned in June 2014, a [...]