Party Institutionalization

Understood as “the process by which parties form consistent patterns of mass mobilization and internal organization”, party institutionalization is calculated using two different indicators: namely, the average party age and the index of electoral party dominance (EPD). While the former looks at the average age of the parties obtaining at least 3 % of the votes in a certain legislative election, the latter “weights and rewards the electoral achievement of those parties in a sequence of elections” through the progressive enhancement of the proportion of the total vote for political parties in a given election over time Casal Bértoa and Enyedi (2021: 150-152).

DOWNLOAD DATA – Average Party Age

DONWLOAD DATA – Electoral Party dominance

DOWNLOAD DATA – Party institutionalization

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: