10 03, 2016

Everyone Defeated in an Electoral Lottery? The Slovak Parliamentary Elections in March 2016

2019-05-20T12:58:20+01:00March 10th, 2016|

By Peter Učeň (Policy Analyst) The recent parliamentary elections in Slovakia took place after the full term of the single-party government by the nominally social democratic Direction - Social Democracy (Smer-SD) party. The legacy of this government as well as the pre-election polls suggested that Smer-SD will defend their dominance with the score somewhere in [...]

2 12, 2015

Another shift in Polish politics

2019-05-20T12:58:20+01:00December 2nd, 2015|

By Michał Kotnarowski (Polish Academy of Sciences) In mid-2014, a year before presidential and parliamentary elections almost everything looked good for the ruling party PO (Civic Platform), which had been governing the country together with its junior coalition partner PSL (Polish Peasant Party) for seven years. Economic indicators were very good - a continuous increase [...]

20 11, 2015

The Left in government again: Principled politicians and pragmatic policies – A lesson on how to square the circle

2019-05-20T12:58:21+01:00November 20th, 2015|

By Dimitris Sourvanos (London School of Economics) and Kyriaki Nanou (University of Nottingham) Last week Euclid Tsakalotos gave a talk at the LSE discussing from his own experiences – as (the current) finance minister in Greece and as a lifelong Marxist – the difficulties that left-wing parties are faced with when governing under severe constraints. [...]

5 11, 2015

A Big Surprise! Return to a Single Party Government in Turkey

2019-05-20T12:58:21+01:00November 5th, 2015|

By Ömer Faruk Gençkaya (Marmara University) The Justice and Development Party (AKP) won a landslide victory at the “renewed” elections of November 1st. This is a big surprise for the AKP itself. All scenarios predicted a coalition or minority government options. Therefore, the AKP announced that another election was also possible. However, shortly before the [...]

22 10, 2015

Switzerland: A landslide election, which only shifts 4% of the votes

2019-05-20T12:58:22+01:00October 22nd, 2015|

By Daniel Bochsler (University of Zurich), Marlène Gerber (University of Bern) and David Zumbach (University of Bern) Switzerland has just experienced one of the most stable elections, even by Swiss standards, with net volatility of just over 4% of the votes. The authors explain, why it is still perceived as a landslide victory of the [...]

21 10, 2015

Majoritarian or pluralist democracy for Turkey?

2019-05-20T12:58:22+01:00October 21st, 2015|

By Ömer Faruk Gençkaya (Marmara University) After an uninterrupted 12-year period of running a majority government, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) faced a real challenge in the latest parliamentary elections on June 7, 2015. The AKP, which lost its primary objectives of democracy, pluralism and accountability, had fallen short to form a majority government [...]